ABC: ACF calls for assessment of Kakadu uranium mine
Publish Date:
10th July 2014
NEWSREADER: The Australian Conservation Foundation is calling for a thorough assessment of the future of the Northern Territory's Ranger Uranium mine surrounded by Kakadu National Park. A supervising scientist's interim report has found a huge toxic spill at the mine last December did not have any impact on human health or the surrounding environment. The foundation's anti nuclear campaigner Dave Sweeney says the report is shortsighted.
DAVE SWEENEY: We need to start a comprehensive open incredible assessment of the impacts of Ranger and how we're going to transition this site in a few short years to a way where it can be as it is required to be included in Kakadu National Park World Heritage area.
NEWSREADER: Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation represents the mine's traditional owners and spokesman Justin O'Brien says tougher regulations are needed.
JUSTIN O'BRIEN: We would like to see the Northern Territory and Australian Government alter the way in which they regulate the mine. We want a process safety case established at Ranger as an ongoing thing.