NITV: Traditional Owners celebrate Native Title win in the heart of Kakadu

Publish Date:
9th November 2018

Nakari Thorpe
NITV News 
9 NOV 2018 - 5:15 PM  UPDATED 12 NOV 2018 - 10:27 AM

After a 21-year battle, the Traditional Owners of Jabiru are celebrating their native title rights and interests being successfully recognised under Australian law.

The Federal Court held a special on-country hearing on Friday to recognise the Mirarr people as the native title holders over the Jabiru township, about 250km south-east of Darwin.

Yvonne Margarula, a senior Traditional Owner who is carrying on the legacy from her late father, and five other senior women were presented with hard copies of the native title determination.

Ms Margarula filed an application for native title with the Federal Court on behalf of the Mirarr people in 1997, making it one of the longest running land claims in the Northern Territory’s history.

“This is a very important for us Mirarr, we have waited a very long time," Traditional Owner Simon Mudjandi said at the hearing.

"It’s good to have finally have this native title as Traditional Owners of this town and surrounding areas,"

The Mirarr estate extends beyond Jabiru to include the areas currently affected by the Ranger uranium mine and the Jabiluka mineral lease. 

read full story on NITV website