NTG: Powering the future of Jabiru
Publish Date:
20th November 2019
20th November 2019
Excerpt from NTG media release. Download complete media release
The Northern Territory Government has taken a major step towards securing the future of Jabiru releasing a call for Expressions of Interest inviting innovative commercial proposals to build, own and operate a new power station in Jabiru.
This is stage one of a major procurement process, and is one of the flagship projects under the Future of Jabiru program.
The project is expected to attract strong market interest from both the renewable energy and utilities sectors across the Northern Territory and Australia. It will provide jobs, business opportunities and other local benefits to the Territory economy, and will also provide certainty to local businesses and the community in Jabiru.
The call for Expressions of Interest includes a requirement for the project to deliver a Renewable Energy Fraction of at least 50 per cent. This requirement supports the Northern Territory Government’s renewable energy target of 50 per cent by 2030. It also sets the tone for future Jabiru revitalisation projects, in meeting the Mirarr traditional owners’ vision for Jabiru as a vibrant and sustainable National Park town at the heart of Kakadu National Park.